Church for Life Op Shop - Tanilba Bay

Come and celebrate with us, this Saturday.

It's on Again!!!

Contact Kevin Colman if you require any further information about these great awards. Good luck!

 Heavy Metal 

Lead can be an extremely dangerous metal when its compounds are used in paints, petrol, toys and other products that humans come in contact with. That's why  'Bunnings' hardware chain has removed it from its shelves to be sealed thus preventing the inhalation of lead dust. 

The use of lead in toys, paint and petrol has been banned for years but it still poses a threat by breathing in the dust from sanding back old 'red lead' primed boards and by drinking from taps with lead soldered fittings. 

With the water supply it is wise not to drink from taps that haven't been used for a length of time as they could be contaminated by leached lead from the old 'Yorkshire' fittings. 

This is why there is a sign at our local library to flush the taps before filling the electric jug as the taps are rarely used. 

We asked local plumber Geoff Davey to check the fittings and he verified our suspicions. His photo won him a prize. 

So there you go. Google 'lead poisoning' and check out the details. 

Photos: Geoff's prize winning mug.



Nipper Fit 

Rather than getting  fit by going to the gym, attending exercise classes or grinding away on one of those numerous machines advertised on TV, there's a much more pleasant way. 

Yes, dear reader, pumping nippers will get you as fit as a fiddle and what's more, you could very well get yourself a tasty fish dish at the end of the day. 

Ask any nipper pumper and they'll tell you that their calf muscles, pectorals and their  backs get a great workout. What's more It's a perfect  way to get the kids outdoors and away from threir screens an devices.

The sandflats at Tanilba / Mallabula and Lemon Tree Passage are ideal sites for nipper (or yabby) pumping and here's how to do it. 

You'll need a nipper pump which  you can borrow or buy. 'Alvey' is the most common brand  and low tide is the best time with the first of the run-in preferred. You'll have competition however as the long billed wading birds work the tide line as the nippers start to clear their holes with the tell-tale fountain of water bubbling out of their tunnels. 

Two or three quick pumps will see a nipper or two stranded on the sand. Keep moving along the water's edge and come back over the area as the tide floods in. 

You can wade back out later in the day and fish the run-out as scavengers will be working the area to feed on bits of nippers and soldier crabs disturbed by you and the sting-rays. They're the things that make all those  dished  out holes which are visible at low tide 

Nippers don't keep well so you will need an aquarium pump to keep them alive overnight if you want to go out the next day. 

Oh! ….a word of warning. One of the nipper's claws is huge. Be careful handling them as you could learn (the hard way) how they got their name.  

Photo: The Mallabula sand flats......ideal nipper country.

Blackfish Time 

Winter is the time Tilligerry locals get stuck into the blackfish as they enter the esturine systems to breed. Some travel to Nelson Bay and fish the breakwater where they are plentiful. 

They are also present in large numbers in Tilligerry and are easy to catch if you know where to look. 

Structures are where they hang out and behind yachts, poles and sunken wrecks are where they lurk so this is where to fish. The LTP marina is a hot spot but you can't fish off it. It's OK to fish off a friend's boat or to moor your tinnie and let the current carry you float beside the mooring poles. Like many fish, luderick are lazy and sit in the eddies and wait for weed to wash past. 

You can get the weed off the rocks and structures along the foreshore. The secret is to wind a long thin strand up your hook and line and wind it back down again, leaving a short piece dangling below the hook. Sand mixed with chopped weed is a great burley. Wait about three seconds after a 'down' before striking. Blackfish tend to suck at the bait and don't attack it as other species do. A light free-running line with a 'stopper' is ideal and helps adjust the depth to where the fish are gathered. 

Bled and skinned, luderick make great eating. A black float is easiest to see and fishing videos will give you all the knowledge you need from experienced anglers. 

Oh! If you are a beginner, drifting along the front of the public wharf and pool netting and piles is an ideal spot to try your luck. Look at the picture. This bloke actually caught this fish inside the tidal pool.

Power for the People 

Residents of  Tanilba Ave will be having power outages as new wires and power poles are being installed. 

Over recent weeks, new power poles have been left on the nature strip ready to replace the old ones. 

This will be done in stages so that there is a minimum of interference with the electricity supply. 

Letterboxing will explain everything to those affected. 

Photo: Workers in Tanilba Ave during the changeover.


Nesting Sites Important 

In clearing areas for mining and development it's important to leave trees in which native birds can breed and roost. The ACI sandminers were well aware of this and left some large trees untouched for his reason. 

They were particularly careful to give a large blackbutt (eucalyptus pilularis) which grew near their plant at Tanilba a wide berth so that an osprey's nesting site was not disturbed. 

They also left large gum trees with hollow limbs and trunks untouched at the mining site between the golf club and the oyster farms for the same reason. 

Galahs and parrots like to nest in hollow trunks and you can see one such nest in the Peace Parade park on the waterfront. You can also make one yourself in the form of a nesting box which incorporates a ladder. A quick google will get you there and give you the dimensions. The size of the hole is important  as possums will move in if it's too big. 

Kookaburras love termite nests to hollow out for their own and if you enter the boardwalk from the sailing club and look up to your right you wil see one. 

We captured a picture of the man made nesting eyrie for the osprey in the LTP industrial site and there appeared to be a bird in residence. Why not drive in and see for yourself? 

Pictures: Look closely at the photo of the hollow trunk and you can see two galahs preparing their nest at Tanilba waterfront .......The man-made eyrie at LTP....and a large hollow gum tree left in the rehabilitated dunes by ACI miners.


Ron Curry, his Life and Times 

Ron Curry could be best described as a master butcher. You see, he cut his teeth in the smallgoods industry where he learned how to make all those products usually only found in delicatessens. 

These skills he incorporated into his local business where he had smokehouses and produced his own hams and bacon. On top of this, he also created his own saveloys, brawns and beef jerky. 

So popular were his hams that he turned out around 300 for Christmas each year and customers would come from far and wide to get them. 

He started out in Tilligerry with a small butcher's shop in LTP and relocated to the Kooindah centre when it was built. 

As a long term president of Tilligerry RSL and Sports Club he guided it through a sometimes difficult phase of reconstruction after it had gone bankrupt. He saw the club buy out the debt and incorporate the Golf Club into the one entity which now prospers. 

Our sympathy extends to his wider family which played a large part in Ron's business success.   

Photo: Ron as we remember him.           

Firey Falcons gives readers what they want. They want facts; they want to be educated and they like to be entertained. We must be doing it right because at out peak over 20 years, we drew in some 2000 viewers per month, not just from here but from all over the world. 

Newcomers in particular like to know what it was like in years gone by so we dish up interesting historical stories. This one's about the DZ (drop zone) off the Oyster Cove road and the raptors which soar in the skies above. 

The DZ was where the army dropped their trainee parachutists and landed planes on a grassy runway. The RAAF also had a gliding club which used a powered winch to launch their craft. Today it's no longer mown and is overgrown with heathland scrub. 

It is also the home of eagles and hawks which are very territorial. In fact they attacked  the radio controlled model planes our local club launched from their mown runway. 

That's not all. When bushfires came towards the DZ the snakes, lizards rodents and even cockroaches headed for the safety of the short cropped grass. Meanwhile, falcons and hawks would work the fireline, pouncing on anything they fancied. 

On top of this, raptors have been known to light their own bushfires to flush out some tucker. They pick up a glowing stick from a fire and dump it in another area of long grass. 

Another interesting raptor is the giant osprey (commonly referred to as a sea eagle). They snatch fish from the water  with their talons and construct nests from large sticks. One pair nested on the top of an LTP telco tower. The company pulled it down and constructed  new base where the birds now nest and do not interfere with the transmissions.    

Pictures: A bushfire beside the DZ and an osprey on its way to build a nest at the telco tower in LTP. Industrial estate.          

Frigid Follies

 A crystal clear Autumnal day saw Tilligerry residents flock to the LTP waterfront for a big market day centred around 'The Big Freeze' .With the cancellation of Motorama and weeks of bad weather, they were just itching to get out and about for some social contact and entertainment.

 Coles were the instigating force with PSSC, Club Lemon Tree, the RSL, Mackas Sand and Soil and Kawarren Homes and others all kicking the can . Proceeds from the day went to the Fight MND (Motor Neurone Foundation) for research into this debilitating disease. We believe approx. $40,000 was raised.

Sponsored groups of locals launched themselves down a giant slippery slide into a pool of icy cold water to the cheers of the crowd. Raffles were also run. 

On top of this, Marine Rescue ran a fundraising sausage sizzle at Bunnings, Heatherbrae and had an information day at the waterfront. Check out their activities on their website. 

Pictures: The waterfront comes to life at LTP for the 'Big Freeze'



Let's Talk Wharves 

In colonial times and well into the 20th century, most Port Stephens transport was by water. Indeed residents got their supplies by boat at the numerous wharves and jetties that jutted out into the waterways. 

The Salt Ash Wharf was the most used out our way as there was no road to Nelson Bay. The late Cec Boyd remembered it well as a dentist was a regular passenger on his weekend fishing trips. 

If Cec had a toothache, he'd wait for the ferry to come past the family farm at 'Orange Grove' on the creek. He'd climb on board and for one shilling (10c) the dentist would extract the tooth. Ces would then be dropped  at the Lemon Tree Wharf and would have to walk back home. 

The streets at Koala Bay were named after the various store boats that plied the waterways of a bygone era. 

The big million dollar makeover of the LTP foreshore saw a pontoon style public wharf replace the wooden structure. 

Another public jetty was erected at Mallabula with $100 000 Federal funding secured by Bob Baldwin. It's known as 'Jim's Jetty' after Jim Briers, a local resident who steered the project through the mountains of paperwork required for the project. 

Public objections to a gate at the top of the hill will see it removed and a sealed access road and parking put in place in the near future. A ladder will also be considered to give access for boaties and swimmers. 

Pictures: The old LTP public wharf and the gated track to 'Jim's Jetty' at Mallabula.



A new era for Tilligerry Community Association Inc.


 The Annual General Meeting of the Tilligerry Community Association Inc. on 28th March, 2024 resulted in the formation of a new committee.  During the meeting, attended by approximately 30 people, outgoing President Fran Corner was congratulated for her dedication to the Tilligerry community over the past 12 years by Kylie Smiley, the incoming Vice President/Public Officer.  The new committee consists of  President:  Janet Starr, Vice President/Public Officer:  Kylie Smiley, Secretary:  Bev Ryan, Treasurer:  Pauline Peitsch.  Committee members:  Janine Campbell, Terri Blott and Sue McDonnell.

The committee’s vision is to involve the whole community in making the Peninsula a place for everyone by building strong relationships with other groups as well as promoting and supporting local businesses.   The new committee is dedicated to making the Tilligerry Peninsular progressive, introducing new ideas that will further enhance this lovely community.  All residents are invited to be involved in continuing to make it a place where people feel included and welcome.  The Association is determined to work to maintain the history and charm of the Peninsular and new ideas and suggestions about how this can be achieved are most welcome. 

Ultimately, in addition to our own Facebook page and updates on local media, there will also have a website with local information on services and upcoming events as well as stories about the history of the area.  We invite all residents of the Tilligerry Peninsula to join the Association and come along to the meetings so that they can support and participate in making our area the best it can be. 

Janet Starr


Tilligerry Community Association Inc,

Photo: The 2024 TCA Committe

ATM  Under Threat 

Tanilba newsagent Julie Fitzgerald has been notified that the NAB  ATM fixed to the wall of her business is to be removed at the end of July. 

“I was horrified,” she said. “The ATM was very well patroised and was obviously making money but obviously not enough for the bank,” she added. 

“To go elsewhere, there can be a $3 transaction fee which will impact greatly on those with a small balance. She stated. 

I'd encourage people to voice their concerns by going to the NAB website, scroll down to the bottom where there is the feedback button. 

Express your concerns here. If enough people do this it may help to make them reconsider their decision. 

Photo: The NAB ATM....Express your concerns by contacting them.

Work Stops on Site 

Work has stopped on the former Tilligerry Plaza site due to technical issues. 

Core sampling has discovered a contaminated area of the development site near the service station and the construction cannot proceed until the problem is rectified. 

This in turn has seen the service station alongside being shut until further notice. will keep you informed  as  details come to hand. 

Picture: Old Plaza site.... problems with sub-soil.

Women in War 

Perhaps on ANZAC Day it's time to reflect on the vital role that women played in winning the war and in particular those who were stationed at RAAF Williamtown. 

WW2 had a great liberating effect on women and got them out of the kitchen and into the workforce doing jobs that were once reserved for men. Indeed after it was all over some of these women often found it hard to go back to domestic duties and forged their own careers. 

RAAF Williamtown was the major air defence base for Newcastle and Sydney and an important  training base for both US and RAAF air crews during the conflict. 

Both Sydney and Newcastle came under attack from Japanese submarines which shelled the cities, sank coastal ships and entered Sydney Harbour. A Japanese float plane even flew over Sydney looking for targets for their midget submarines. 

It was into this conflict that a certain Betty White was thrust. A shy country girl, she joined the WAAAF and was posted to Williamtown. This really brought her out of herself and into the big wide world where she developed new skills and made lifelong friendships. 

In those days the base had four runways and there were many casualties amongst the air crews as they practised low level bombing and strafing runs over Stockton Beach. Indeed, some 26 RAAF personnel and 8 USAF fliers lost their lives. It was Betty's job to notify families by telegram of their deaths. 

But, dear reader, our story has a happy ending. Betty's newfound confidence saw her train as a sewing teacher and marry a flying instructor whom she met after the war. They adopted two boys and retired to Pt Macquarie where she became a noted artist and her husband a picture framer. 

Picture: Betty Paterson and husband Peter on their wedding day.

In a Pickle

You have to give the current tennis club committee a huge pat on the back for bringing  the club out of the stone age and transforming it into a top class sporting body. 

Indeed it is so far advanced that it takes online bookings and is key-free and cashless! 

 With the support of local sponsors and government grants it is powering ahead and attracting young people to the game. 

But there's more! The club is also into pickleball! 

That's right! Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the world and two courts have been marked out at Mallabula. 

It embraces aspects of table tennis, badminton and tennis and is played with  a hard plastic ball and a paddle. It is less strenuous than tennis and is suited to all ages and families. 

Currently it is being played on Sunday between 3pm and 5pm and also of a Wendesday night at the Mallabula Hall between 7.30 pm and 9.30 pm. 

More sessions are planned as the word gets around. 

The best idea is just to turn up and see if it's the sort of passive recreation that suits you. It's also a great way to make friends and integrate into our community. 

Picture: 'Come on Down!' Pickleball in action at Mallabula.

Use it or Lose It 

Remember playing the recorder at school? They're those plastic flute things that many kids tootle on in primary school. They drove their parents nuts when practising at home. 

Children who become proficient with the recorder find it easy to transfer to the clarinet, flute, saxophone or other instruments of choice. 

But there's more! You see, researchers have found that the playing of  musical instruments develops neural connections in the brains of children which come in handy for solving other complex tasks. 

On the other hand, it is becoming increasingly worrying how electronic devices are adding confusion and anxiety to the minds of the young. The best current advice is to limit 'screen time' for children and get them out of the house running around, playing games and interacting with other kids. 

If we turn to the elderly, their greatest fear is to 'lose their marbles' and degenerate into a vegetative state where they sit with a vacant look and disconnect to reality. 

Science has spent countless years and billions of dollars trying to come up with a cure for this debilitating condition without success. Indeed, so much money is to be made out of the dementia problem that the snake oil salesmen offer miracle cures at exorbitant prices. You see ads for this stuff on the TV all the time. 

The playing of musical instruments such as the recorder in later life can keep those neural pathways sparking. Indeed those who do this are over 60% less likely to develop dementia. So can mental activites such as card games, crossword puzzles or sudoku. 

Tilligerry offers a wide range of options for those who want to stay mentally active and get social interaction. Why not get involved? If nothing else, it's far better than sitting in front of the TV with cobwebs dangling from your elbows. 

Photo: A recorder: Playing benefits both the young and the old.

Wide  Open Spaces

Most new subdivisions guarantee that housing blocks are tiny with buildings built close together and very near to neighbours. Indeed the houses take up most of the block. On top of this, the roads are narrow. You only have to look at Medowie and around Maitland to see what we mean. 

Now have a look at our picture or Avenue of the Allies at Tanilba Bay. The council contractor has almost finished the big $4 000 000 makeover. It looks more like a grand boulevard than a suburban access road and there is a reason for this. 

You see the subdivision was put in during the 1930s when land was very cheap so there were numerous public spaces, big house blocks and wide roads incorporated in the plans. 

Local real estate agent Rodney Keers said that this created a market for buyers who wanted space around them without the restricted feeling that comes with the new subdivisions. 

These large blocks with houses are ideal for renovation and the addition of 'Granny flats' he said. There is quite a lot of inquiry for them”, he added.   

Landcom, in developing their 270 lot Koala Bay estate were very much aware of providing access to the wide open spaces and their glossy brochures featured walkway links to the foreshore and their eco friendly public spaces. They even spent $30 000 on just one tree to put on an island in a lake which collected runoff stormwater.  This was made even more attractive by transplanting grass trees to around the rim of the lake. They also donated  these old trees to Tanilba Bay School to save them from the bulldozer. 

A few diseased Norfolk Island pines were removed during the current roadworks. They will be replaced as part of the upgrade. 

Pictures: The 'grand boulevard' which is now the upgraded Ave of the Allies …....The native fig tree being put on the island.....School children with the transplanted grass trees.....and the stumps of the Norfolk Pines.

Bored to Tears? Not on the Tilli!

Are you the type of person who waits all day for the mailman to arrive? Perhaps putting out the wheelie bin is the highlight of your week? Is a trip to the supermarket and wandering the aisles aimlessly your idea of a fun day out? 

Answer “Yes' to any of these and you are bored. 

If so, Tilligerry is the type of place with endless possibilities to make you want to jump out of bed and get involved. You can learn new skills, get satisfaction from 'putting something back', make friends and get that all important social interaction so important for mental and physical well being. If you don't like these activities, just give them away and try something different. 

To get started just go to and click on 'Community Directory' in the left green side bar and find one to your liking. 

Here are just a few to whet your appetite: 

Lions Club; Probus;CWA; FishingClub; Darts; Bridge; Euchre; Mah-jong; Men's Shed; Patchwork; Habitat; RFS; Art; Senior Citizens.....and lots more.  

You really don't have to have specific skills: For example, to join Marine Rescue, there is no need to punch your way through mountainous seas at night on rescue missions. They need fundraisers so you might be the type who would like to sit at a table selling raffle tickets. Our Men's Shed welcomes those who just like to talk to other blokes without ever going near a router or a lathe.

Always wanted to play bridge but would feel embarrassed? Not a problem! There are beginners' lessons. 

Photos: Marine Rescue; The Men's Shed and our Bridge members most welcome.


All Done.....Well almost. 

Apart from some some finishing touches, the serpentine pathway linking Henderson Park  to Jenny Rudd Reserve via the foreshore is complete. 

Shaded seating along the way is yet to be added for picnickers as well as  some rest areas for the energy challenged. But where to now? 

Cr Steve Tucker said that there were numerous options for bike riders and walkers once they came to the end. 

“ People can follow the rim of the bay all the way to Mallabula and Tanilba Bay,” he said. “Alternatively, they can use the existing road network up to the water tower hill and the BoM 'golf ball'. From here there are numerous fire trails and bush tracks with many possibilities,” he added. 

“Council needs to signpost all of this, particularly for visitors so that they know where they're going.” he concluded. 

The end of the new pathway has much historical significance as beside it was the Doyle family home. It was here that Dr A A Doyle spent his final years living with his son Barney, an oyster farmer. 

Dr Doyle was a renowned specialist in Brisbane and a cousin of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the Sherlock Holmes books. 

He tended to the 30 or so locals and the late Jimmy Rooke had Dr Doyle to thank for saving his life. 

His mother took her sickly baby to see the doctor. He advised her to get a cow and nourish her son with the fresh milk. This she did. Jimmy recovered but sadly, some time later, the cow died.      

 Photos: The end of the new pathway at Rudd Reserve.....and a screenshot from one the Sherlock home movies.


 Sitting on a Gold Mine 

People who own real estate at Tanilba Bay or Mallabula could very well be sitting on a gold mine and don't realize it. 

You see, the townships were developed in the 1930s so blocks were large and the streets were extremely wide. What's more, there were vast areas of public space in the form of parks and reserves. 

So much of this existed that Port Stephens Council sold lots of them off  because they simply couldn't afford to maintain them. 

The recently demolished  Tilligerry Plaza was one such 'park'. So was the 'Coles' land. Another was the Baptist Church allotment and Monash Close was yet another one. 

What this means is that properties are very attractive to investors and home buyers when compared to the tiny blocks on offer in new subdivisions such as Koala Bay and those at Medowie and Maitland. On top of this, the proximity to the waterways makes them very desirable. 

As the back streets become kerbed and guttered, these  suburbs will become hot property. Currently, one large block of land in Mallabula which was purchased in the 1980s for $16 000 has recently been valued at $500 000. 

We have to thank visionary developer Henry Halloran for his foresight in creating such a well planned and people friendly subdivision. 

In all of this, waterfront properties and those with the magic of a water view are those which command most interest. It is not uncommon to see perfectly good homes in these locations bulldozed as city folk escape the rat race to build a dream home and live in peace and tranquility. 

Photos: The arched gates as they were.....The recently upgraded Ave of the Allies and visionary developer Henry Halloran.


Arches Rich in History 

The complete rebuild of Avenue of the Allies at Tanilba Bay has ended underneath the arched gates. 

Perhaps it's time to unveil the rich history that is associated with the structure for those new to the area and for others who are curious. Detailed  information can be found in the book 'A History of the Tilligerry Peninsula'. Our library has copies. The book sold 1100 copies and there is talk of republishing it on a disk or a 'stick' as we journey into the electronic future. 

Henry Halloran, a visionary developer, had the gates constructed in the 1930s along with other stone structures found near Tanilba House. He was a true son of Mother England and the streets were named after WW1 military heroes and allied leaders. Google them for an interesting read. 

The stonework is conglomerate rock and porphyry quartz blasted from a quarry behind our soccer ovals. Mr Blanch carted the rock in a horse drawn dray. 

In the 1980s the arched gates were rebuilt and raised to give greater clearance after trucks had clipped them. 

The bollards which sit on top of the stone pillars are from the original HMAS Sydney which recorded our first sea victory of WW1 when it trapped the German cruiser 'Emden' at the Cocus Islands and reduced it to a smouldering wreck. 

The second 'Sydney' was the ship that suffered our greatest naval tragedy when, in WW2 it was sunk by the German raider 'Cormoran' in the Indian Ocean with the loss of all hands. 

Barbara Evans who lives close to the gates remembers all too well that fateful day. You see, her father was one of those lost. She still has his officer's sword and photos of him. 

Pictures: Our Local History book......The original arched  gates.....The gates being raised........The original Sydney......and Barbara Evans with pictures of her father.

Tide to Tip Triumph 

For the fifth year in a row, the annual 'Tide to Tip' waterway clean-up has been an outstanding success. 

Under the umbrella of  'Oceanwatch', a not for profit organization dedicated to protecting our fisheries and marine environment, the day saw the retrieval of a truckload of debris. Oyster farmers, state fisheries and other interested parties all chipped in. They based their operation at the Lemon Tree Passage boat ramp. 

In 2023, some 20 individual sites comprising 211 volunteers  saw a staggering 11870 kg of rubbish retrieved and disposed of. This year is shaping up to exceed that. 

The day is also a great opportunity for interaction between those involved in the oyster industry and waterways administration. 

This initiative was given a boost just last year when the State Government contracted out a huge program to clean up the estuarine system following the devastating floods. 

Twice their teams visited Port Stephens to restore the waterways and shorelines to their natural state. They also removed floating navigational hazards.   

Pictures: Last year's clean up crew......Brian Hughes with this year's haul...and contractors in 2023 retrieving their scow and boat.

Water Water Everywhere 

If you look at the topography of Tilligerry  you will see that it is one giant swamp which has sand dunes on either side. Indeed the early settlers gained access via two tracks which followed the dunes. 

One track ended at 'The Gibbers' on the creek side and the other at Lemon Tree Passage on the northern perimeter. 

When the main road was constructed, it went straight down the centre after the low areas were filled. Rookes and Browns roads are all that is left of the original access tracks. 

Drainage has always been a problem so Council constructed two large open easements which cross the golf course and direct the water through the mangrove swamps and into Tilligerry Creek. 

The pipes which drain Tanilba under the main road clog up after heavy rain  and  a huge pool of water develops in front of the low lying businesses in President Wilson Walk. 

At Mallabula, water cascades over the main road near the ovals as the pipes can't handle the volume. Cars have actually aquaplaned into the drain. 

In LTP an unsolvable problem has developed in the CBD. You see, Cook Pde is below the level of the king tides. Before one-way flaps were put on the stormwater pipes, salt water would well up through the grates and flow along the gutters. Unsuspecting motorists would park in the puddles and then wonder why their cars rusted out. 

This problem still exists when heavy downpours coincide with a king tide. There is nowhere for the water to go and a large lake develops and backs up to the entrance of the shops. Our local firies come to the rescue and pump the water into the creek. 

The tidal surge created by a king tide and a 'Black Nor' Easter' years ago even washed through the takeaway food outlet on the waterfront. It could very well happen again given the right conditions. 

Photos: 'The Poyers' restaurant over the water at  LTP showing the height of the creek on a king tide.....and water pooling outside the businesses on Cook Pde.

In Safe Hands 

 Future directions of Lemon Tree's Marine Rescue seem to be in safe hands with the election of a new commander and an influx of enthusiastic members. 

David Aselford brings with him a lifetime background in the IT industry and looks forward to the proposed new challenges with a degree of excitement. 

“An influx of some 30 new members as young as 16 has given us a great boost, “ he said. “It's just what we need at this critical point in time with upgrades in technology and developments on the foreshore,” he added. 

“We are to be integrated into development of Henderson Park and Port Stephens Council will be handing over the old amenities block to us once the new facility has been built,” he stated. 

“This prime location will give us access to equipment for the boat and be great as a storage facility and as a dressing room when our crews take to the water,” he said. 

Although funded by The State Body, the local structure is required to buy fuel for their twin engined rescue craft. It can cost as much as $900 per day to be operational  and the public is encouraged to support them at their sausage sizzles and fundraisers. 

More members are always welcome to fill a variety of roles whether it be as a boat crew, radio operator or as a fundraiser. 

A visit to their website will explain everything. 

Photos: David at the base station atop Whitbread Drive LTP …...the rescue craft in its cradle at the waterfront......and a fundraised and awareness day at the boatramp.

Lift for Library 

But where is it? This is most asked question by those wanting to borrow books in Tilligerry. 

The town public library is situated on the main road opposite the Lemon Tree Passage Motel and when open, has a 'library' flag fluttering from a pole in front of it. 

It's been there for decades and is staffed by volunteers and operates from 10am until noon six days per week. (Monday to Saturday). 

A big makeover a couple of years back saw new carpet, reader friendly furniture and a slick paint job spruce it up. 

What's more, a heavy cull of the least read books and an injection of new stock has something for everyone, including children. 

Tilligerry Men's Shed workers have just removed the old overgrown sign and have carved  a new one which is much more visible. 

Business is more or less back to normal after a year or so of roadwork disruptions and the construction of a new police station two doors away. Council have taken over the computer access and has 2 brand new computers. A new scanner is on order and you will now be able to print A4 colour pages.

The library augments the mobile service which visits the villages of Tanilba Bay, Mallabula and Lemon Tree Passage on a rotational basis. 

Both services have now recovered from the Covid lockdown restrictions and are back up to pace. 

Photos: The LTP Library after the makeover......and the new sign giving it better visibility.


Book Donations


Tilligerry Community Library has always enjoyed the support of the community donating their books. Whilst we do appreciate them, we can only accept them with prior consultation. Our hours are 10-12 noon Monday to Saturday and our phone number is 4982 3477 if you wanted to call up or pop in and check with us before bringing them in. Please don’t leave them at the door.








More than Just a News Service

You've seen our illuminated sign '' beside the main road near the golf club as you drive into town at night.

With news services moving away from the print media, for over 10 years now has moved with the times and gives local residents the news that they can't get anywhere else. Indeed, those travelling around Australia or internationally can keep up to date with a click on a mouse or a mobile phone.

Before our 'hit meter' broke down we were averaging around 2000 views each month. We have a few businesses supporting us but we really don't want advertisers as we are a not for profit community service.

It gets even better. There are constant requests, usually from residents new to the area, for general information about available services and organizations out this way.

We now have an extensive community directory listing some 80 of these which includes: churches, clubs, social groups, cultural events, schools, tourist information, community support, JPs, medical services, play groups and pre schools.

Photo: more than just news.

              1. elebrating the re-opening.